CI rescued the police team that was blocked by the locals

This is the footage of locals blocking a police vehicle in Pattazhi last night. It was alleged that the policemen were drunk. The demand of the locals was that the ASI in the police vehicle is drunk and does not keep his head straight and is in uniform. Locals stopped the police vehicle and told the policemen to blow. But ASI remained silent. Locals tried their best to blow ASI but ASI did not open its mouth. Finally Kunnikode CI and more police reached the spot. Locals push the CI and its team to rescue the policemen and ASI

The police CI did not accept the demand to take ASI for medical examination. The locals reached the hospital but the police did not come to the hospital but went to the station. All the policemen were in uniform in the controversial jeep

But today things have changed. Police informed that ASI was not drunk. It is not clear if the medical examination was done in the morning or if it was blown. If it blows, it will be inside the police station, so there will be less transparency. The police did not say whether a medical examination was conducted. If the medical examination was done, it was done a day later, so there is no big deal

The police stopped the vehicle and took 4 local people into custody. A non-bailable case will be taken against them. Moreover, there is a case against more locals. It is also known that more people will be arrested.

In any case, it is the responsibility of a good citizen to prevent illegal activity and try to prevent crime and report it to the authorities. In this way, no action has been taken on the complaint raised by the locals, and the good thing is that the plaintiff locals, who informed the Home Department, are now going to jail.