Conflict at Koilandi Gurudeva College: SFI Activists beaten up Principal and Professor

Kozhikode: SFI is a part of graduation admission in Koyilandi Gurudeva College. The dispute over setting up the helpdesk has reached a point of conflict. The principal and the teacher were SFI. Complaints of being beaten up by workers.

Principal Dr. Sunilkumar and teacher Rameshan were beaten up by the activists of student organization SF. the allegation Both the injured were admitted to the hospital.Meanwhile, Principal SFI SFI members alleged that Abhinav, the area president, was beaten up. Abhinam is also injured in the hospital.

SFI as part of graduation A dispute over helpdesk setup resulted in the beating. During the dispute, SFI The complaint is that the activists assaulted and beat up the principal. SFI to take the injured principal to the hospital. When the activists did not allow him, other teachers arrived and took him to the hospital. During this, the teacher Ramesan was injured.