Cutting South organizer Dhanya Rajendran Anti-Hindu campaigner- Swami Kailasa Nityananda

Swami Kailasa Nityananda accused Cutting South organizer Dhanya R Rajendran of being an anti-Hindu campaigner. Swamy also said that Dhanya Rajendran’s agenda was to destroy SPH’s mission of reviving Hinduism. Palakkad resident Dhanya reveals against Rajendran that even the move to kill Swami through a mob attack took place due to this. Now Swami is making a public disclosure against Dhanya Rajendra by pointing out that he is carrying out movement and activities against Hindus.

Dhanya Rajendran is also the editor of News Minutes, which provides continuous news against the Indian government. Dhanya Rajendran, a Malayali native of Palakkad, was earlier a campaigner and an organizer of the program called Cutting South, where India’s map was printed in black and white. In the Cutting South program, the southern part of India was painted in black on the Indian map.

South Indian states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra, Telangana, Pondicherry etc. were depicted in black and other states were depicted in white. The program was held with the title Cutting South on top of the Indian map depicted in this way. For this, the Kerala Media Academy gave them a sponsor ship of 45 lakh rupees and there was a huge controversy. Representatives from foreign countries attended the Cutting South held by Dhanya Rajendran and others in Kochi. Canada paid for it

The Cutting South program led by Dhanya Rajendran created a deep wound, pain and protest among the patriots. In Delhi, V Muraleedharan had said that the idea of ​​cutting South belongs to the Popular Front and the situation is serious. To defeat the Cutting South, the central government and the BJP had an alternative program called Bridging South. Bridging South was to unite the nationalism of the southern part of India with India. The idea of ​​cutting south was to be overcome

Now it is getting serious when Swami Kailasa Nityananda Dhanya Rajendran is openly saying that she is an anti-Hindu propagandist. This is the full text of Swamy’s Facebook post, which asserts that Dhanya Rajendran is an anti-Hindu campaigner, victory for truth and justice. Dhanya Rajendran exposed. Notorious anti-Hindu conspirator Dhanya Rajendran is finally under the surveillance of India’s Intelligence Bureau (IB) for her deep connection with George Soares, known for his anti-national and anti-Hindu activities. Funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundation through Dhanya Rajendran’s organization DigiPub, a web of fraud and anti-Hindu propaganda unfolds. DigiPub and its members are accused of diverting illegal funds to fuel anti-Hindu propaganda. But Dhanya Rajendran’s most nefarious act began in 2010.

Sri Nityananda, make a massive misinformation campaign against Lord Shiva. Dhanya Rajendran took the interview and cheated and manipulated the footage. The words were also misrepresented, causing a huge backlash. Dhanya Rajendran’s actions not only tarnished the image of SPH but also endangered the life of Shri Nityananda Paramashiva in a violent mob attack. This is Dhanya Rajendran’s conspiracy. He was accompanied by other co-conspirators Lenin Karupup and Aarti Rao. Their agenda was to undermine SPH’s mission of reviving Hinduism. They tried to cause great damage to Kailasa. The rigged interview was weaponized as false evidence, leading to SPH’s illegal arrest and a decade-long fight for justice. Karma finally caught up with Dhanya Rajendran.

When Dhanya Rajendran approached the Karnataka High Court seeking protection, the court dismissed the plea. Now that the investigation against Dhanya Rajendran is strong, all karmic results are clear. Anti-Hindu forces are exposed and justice is served. This is a great victory and vindication for SPH and Kailasa. Let us celebrate this moment as a victory for truth, justice and dharma.