Government orders suspension of officials who recommended commutation of sentence for TP murder case accused

The government has taken action to move the accused in the TP Chandrasekaran murder case to have their sentences commuted. Jail officials were suspended. The officials of Kannur Jail were suspended. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan issued the order. The government’s move comes at a time when the opposition is about to raise the issue again in the assembly.

The order was issued by suspending the officers while Opposition Leader VD Satheesan was raising the matter for submission in the Assembly. Kannur Central Jail Superintendent Joint Superintendent KS Sreejith, Assistant Superintendent VG Arun and Assistant Prison Officer OV Raghunath have been suspended. The officers have been suspended from service pending investigation.

The government moved to release the three persons by giving them remission of sentence. TK Rajish, Muhammad Shafi and Annan Sijith are in the list. The move to release the accused in the TP Chandrasekaran murder case had sparked a political controversy. The move to grant relief to the accused in the TP case was against the High Court verdict.