Sexual abuse on women by Hamas, Sussanna escaped

A Jewish girl called Sussanna who escaped sexual abuse by Hamas terrorists. You should listen to my words like wounds on your body..Sheryl Sandberg, the former COO of Facebook, broke down in tears when Susana described her experience in the American White House. Susanna was often hugged and encouraged by Sherin. American Vice President Kamala Harris was also present. Nadia Murad, who was a sex slave of the Islamic State and later won the Nobel Prize, was also present at the event

Being imprisoned means not being in control of your mind, body or spirit,” Susana said. “You have no control over what happens to you. All your basic human rights have been taken away from you. Even your emotions are completely controlled by someone else. Hamas terrorists completely controlled and used my sexual feelings.

The female hostages who have now escaped describe the sexual abuse and exploitation of the hostages by Hamas. US Vice President Kamala Harris expressed concern that evidence of Hamas’s use of sexual assaults would pile up.

Amit Susana, the first hostage to be released, has described the sexual abuse she suffered during her captivity. No human being should ever experience the kind of sexual assault I experienced. No one should ever be sexually assaulted and there are no extenuating circumstances for these crimes,” she said. No one should think that Hamas is protecting the hostages. Slaves are also used for sex if they get women of other religions according to their religion etc.

My life was ruined by Hamas. I am not the Susana that I was before, that is, before I was kidnapped. The old Susanna perished in prison in Gaza. But the new Susana has the ability and strength to speak out and fight against such terrorists, he said.

Hamas’ sexual harassment was brutal. Susana clarified that she has recovered. “I don’t see myself as a victim. I am a strong, independent woman and no one can change that,” she added, adding, “It will always be part of my story, but the impact will diminish over time.” Those who do this must be gone for this story to exist in the world. Susana also said that the devils are jealous of people living happily in the world.

When I was in Gaza in the early days of the war, I watched President Biden’s plane land in Israel. It gave me such hope and strength to know that Israel’s best friend is coming to our aid,” Susana said. I no longer speak of testimony about Hamas’s sexual abuse. Because it would prevent the release of more hostages. If I tell everything, the torture will increase for the captives there.

Kamala Harris launched the project at the White House as part of an initiative she is leading to raise awareness of conflict-related sexual violence. A panel of experts on sexual violence, including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad, who survived the genocide of the Yazidi people by Islamic State, spoke to a panel of experts on sexual violence. If someone had told me when I couldn’t, I would be here. In front of all of you today, I would have thought they were out of their minds.

Harris made this statement at a White House event held at the White House on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence. The vice president was joined by former Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who on October 7 screened her film about this aspect of Hamas’ attacks, as well as hostage Amit Susana, who first came out about the sexual assault she suffered while in captivity.

“We cannot look, we will not be silent,” Harris told a room packed with representatives of women’s and human rights groups ahead of a screening of the film “Screams Without Words.” “My heart breaks for the survivors, their families and all the pain and suffering they have endured over the past eight months in Israel and Gaza.”

On October 7, when Hamas terrorists massacred more than 1,200 people in Israel and took 251 hostages in Gaza, Susana was taken to Gaza by Hamas.