There would be free food for 2000 people in Kottayam if Francis George wins

If Francis George wins in Kottayam as part of the Lok Sabha elections, Piravam Janak Samiti will serve 2000 people with free food. All preparations for this have been completed. This is led by the Kerala Congress leader who is a supporter of Thomas Chazhikkadan.

Kottayam is the constituency where the Kerala Congressmen directly clashed in the Lok Sabha elections. Tushar Vellapalli (BJP), Thomas Chazhikkadan (Kerala Congress M) and K Francis George (Kerala Congress ). Tomorrow we will know which Kerala Congress the voters are with. But the People’s in Piravam Janakeeya Samithi believes that the verdict is in favor of Francis George. Before this, the locals are served piti and poth. People’s committee says that is the public sentiment against Thomas Chazhikkadan. The locals are shocked that they did not even come this way to say thank you after winning the last time.

Janakiya Samithi leaders have decided to serve piti and poth as early as 8:30 in the morning. The leaders said that they are going to celebrate the defeat of someone. The event will be led by Jills Periyapura, the leader of Kerala Congress Mani section of the LDF and chairman of Piravam Municipal Council Standing Committee. Jills Periapurath is of the opinion that Thomas Chazhikkadan has been a complete failure in the last five years. When asked whether there would be any problem at the front if he leads such a celebration, he replied that the development of the country is important.