Ultimatum to doctors, Those on leave must return to work before June 6

The health department is taking strict measures including dismissing the employees including doctors who are on leave illegally. The government issued an ultimatum to the employees who were illegally absent from service to return to service before 5 pm on June 6.

Action will be taken against those who took leave without permission. If they do not return to work, they will be warned that measures including dismissal will be taken. During the rainy season, the number of people coming to various government hospitals in the state, including medical college hospitals, is increasing due to various ailments. But regardless of this, doctors are taking leave. Due to the lack of doctors, patients are waiting for hours.

At Thiruvananthapuram Medical College, about a thousand people are treated daily in the emergency department alone. There are only two or three doctors in the OP where seven doctors are supposed to sit. Instead of 30 ECG technicians, there are only eight. There are only two ECG technicians in the super specialty department. Patients are suffering when doctors and staff are also on leave.