Massive Disaster at Hajj in Saudi Arabia: 550 Pilgrims Die

Hajj tragedy in Saudi Arabia, 550 people died. The Makkah mortuary is full of dead bodies, Hamas – Palestinian people are unaccounted for and have reached the Hajj.

Some very tragic news is coming from Saudi Arabia regarding the pilgrimage of Hajj. The Saudi Arabian diplomatic department has now released the information that 550 pilgrims have died. Although this is definitely not available in our country, there are some things going on in our country to somehow close that loophole and eliminate such news. Media in our country does not give the news that is released even by Saudi Arabia.

550 people died during Hajj pilgrimage. 550 dead bodies are awaiting processing in Makkah mortuary. Remembering the missions of our Indian Air Force conducted by Narendra Modi India’s mission in Kuwait. The mission was to process the dead bodies of our people there as soon as possible and bring them home. Veena George didn’t go, but if Veena George was the only one who went there, it would take weeks for the body to be brought home in a foreign country without processing like the 550 who are currently stuck on Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is there that one of the biggest interventions in Kuwait should be understood.

Processing to transport bodies to different countries takes weeks. Because of the scorching temperatures this year. Pilgrims died in this harsh climate. At least 300 of these 550 deaths were heat-related. What comes out is that heat cannot be tolerated.

The saddest thing is that most of these dead are poor and middle-class. There are big facilities for big people and none of these people are country rulers or important persons VIPs none of them are in this category but ordinary Muslim pilgrims have died in this way.