Gang of Two Attacks Woman and Steals Necklace, woman seriously injured

Alappuzha: A group on a bike robbed a young woman of her necklace. Mannancherry Road Corner Kaitakkaparampil V.G. Girish’s wife Praseetha (39) was robbed of a seven-pavan thalimala.

The incident took place on the national highway at 6.30 pm on the east of Kalavur Barnard junction near Anakuthipalam. Praseetha was returning home after visiting her sister Praveena who lives in Valavanadu. While crossing Anakuthipalam to the south, a two-member group on a bike came from behind, chased the woman who was traveling on a scooter, pushed her and snatched the gold necklace. During the attack, Praseetha lost control of her scooter and fell down, breaking her ribs, hand and teeth.

The necklace was picked off by the person behind the bike. Praseetha was then pushed hard on the scooter and fell down with the scooter. Praseetha’s two right ribs, right arm and front tooth were broken. Praseetha was rushed to the hospital by the locals who heard her screams.

Praseetha said that the two who came on the bike were wearing helmets and masks. The police were half a kilometer away from where the incident took place, but by the time they reached the spot, the group had escaped.

The CCTV of the area said that after stealing the necklace, the gang was escaping on the national highway via Valiyakalavoor Bandurodu. It is clear from the visuals.