Mass Death of Cattle in Bharathapuzha Raises Concern Among Locals

Palakkad: Buffaloes died in large numbers in Bharatapuzha. So far, seven bodies have been recovered from the Pavaratti drinking water tank. People are all panicked.

The incident took place between Pattambi and Trithala Velliyankal. After an unpleasant stench emanated from the locals, they found carcasses of cattle in the river. The carcasses are days old and rotten. The locals demand that drinking water supply should be stopped from here.

Cattle grazing on the banks of the Bharatapuzha is a common sight. But there has been a situation before that when the water level rises during rains, they get stuck in the middle parts of the river. Although the local government has issued a warning not to graze, many people do not heed it. It is concluded that the carcasses of the cattle washed ashore.