Murder case of a newborn in Kochi; Boyfriend is absconding

Kochi: The police failed to arrest the young woman’s boyfriend in the case of the death of the newborn baby after its mother threw it from the top of the flat. The explanation is that Rafeeq, a native of Thrissur, is absconding. His mobile phone is switched off. The search for Rafiq is on.

A case was registered on May 16 against the male friend of the woman who was accused in the murder of the newborn. The case is based on the complaint of sexual harassment by promising marriage. Even after two weeks of filing the case, the police have not been able to arrest the accused.

A case was registered against Rafeeq, a native of Thrissur, by the South Police. The statement of the woman who is the first accused in the case is that Rafeeq lured her with the promise of marriage. Sections including rape have been charged. Rafeeq was trying to avoid it when she informed him that she was pregnant.

Meanwhile, the woman tried to kill the baby but failed. The family also did not know that their daughter was pregnant. The girl gave birth to the baby in the washroom of the house. Then choked. When the mother knocked on the door of the room, the panicked girl threw the baby down from the balcony.