Sanju Techie’s Videos Removed from YouTube

Remove Sanju Techi’s videos from YouTube. Nine videos containing violations of motor vehicle laws were removed. Sanju Techi’s driving license was revoked for life by the Motor Vehicle Department after he built a swimming pool in his car and drove on the road in a spirited manner. The registration of the vehicle used for the offense was also canceled for one year. This is followed by YouTube’s action.

9 videos containing violations of law were removed. Findings against Sanju Techi are not only that he made a swimming pool in the car and traveled. The Department of Motor Vehicles said that it has thoroughly examined the videos uploaded by Sanju on YouTube.

In the first phase, Sanju’s reaction was taken lightly by mocking the Motor Vehicle Department’s actions. Sanju’s sarcasm was that his channel got a reach that could not have been achieved even by spending Rs.

After this, the Motor Vehicle Department sent Sanju to the class of the Motor Vehicle Department at Edapal and for hospital services. Transport Minister KB Ganesh Kumar’s response was that Sanju’s technique is greed and arrogance.