Woman auto driver assaulted due to family dispute in kochi; Two arrested

Kochi: Assaulting a woman auto driver in Vypin. It is reported that the relative Sajeesh gave the quotation to beat the auto driver Jaya and the quotation was the reason for the attack due to a family quarrel. Sajeesh is absconding after the attack.

Two people, including Sajeesh’s wife, have been taken into police custody in the incident. It is reported that Sajeesh’s wife also knew about the issuance of the quotation.

Jaya, the auto driver, was brutally beaten up by three youths who called him last night. Jaya suffered severe injuries in the attack and is undergoing treatment at a private hospital.

The young man was running to the hospital on the north side of Badaria Church in Kadapuram. When he reached Cherai after some distance, he took two more friends in the auto. Then they ran to four places.

When it was nearly ten o’clock, Jaya said that he could not continue the race at night and that he would arrange another vehicle, and the youths became angry. Then the trio brutally beat the woman.