John Brittas Intervened to Settle Solar Strike, Reveals Journalist John Mundakayam

John Brittas intervenes to settle solar strike John Mundakkayam reveals that senioir journalist John Mundakkayam took the initiative to settle the solar strike. Senior journalist John Mundakayath revealed that the intervention of John Brittas is as per the instruction of the leadership.

John Mundakayath’s revelation is in the third part of the series of articles titled Solar Satyate Maracha Suryagrahanam published in Malayalam Varika. John Mundakayam has revealed that John Brittas called and asked to speak to Oommen Chandy. Brittas’ question was whether to end the strike. John Mundakayam also revealed that it was necessary to call a press conference for the judicial inquiry announced earlier.

Thomas Isaac responded that he was not aware of John Mundakkayam’s disclosure in the solar strike. He clarified that there is no further response. But Thiruvanjur Radhakrishnan said that he had read John Mundakkayam’s article and said that he was right.

The Left Front Secretariat announced the ring strike when the solar strike was going strong. The Secretariat strike was notable as the strike with the largest crowd in the history of Kerala. The demand of the strike was that Chief Minister Oommen Chandy shou