Sneha Sreekumar shares happiness,comeback to Kathakali

Sneha Sreekumar has made a comeback to Kathakali, which she likes as much as acting. The actor is happy to have donned the Kathakali costume again. “After a short break after pregnancy and delivery, Kathakali again donned the role.. Bhadrakali in Daksha Yaga.

There was the same trepidation as when dressing up for an 11-year-old debut, along with fever. But it was my gurus Kalamandalam E Vasudevan Mash and Kalamandalam Sreekumar Asan who gave me courage. Everyone stood with me as if a Kochi was being released on stage for the first time. Mom was worried about my health as I had a slight attack of fever for 2 days, especially after the C section delivery and to tell the truth, Mom was worried about my health all the time..

Amma’s biggest wish is to see me in a Kathakali role. There is no other person who is so happy to see my role.. Anyway, after yesterday’s presentation, I got the courage to study there and wear the costume.. My Kedar, who sits smartly without any quarrel during Amma’s program, said Sneha. Kalamandalam e. Sneha has received expert training in Kathakali from Vasudevan, Ottenthullal from Kalamandalam Prabhakaran and Mohiniyattam from Nirmala Panicker.