Accepting the Mandate, CM to Address Issues Behind Election Defeat

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said that the 2024 Lok Sabha election result is a heavy blow to BJP’s efforts to subvert democracy and constitutional values. The result of the election in which the BJP lost a majority shows that the people have rejected all the propaganda made by a large section of the media, the administration, central agencies and money laundering. The Indian people have broken the illusion that they can move forward safely by uprooting communalism and sectarianism.

In Kerala, LDF did not get the expected victory. 2019 had almost the same result. The work of the state government will be implemented more effectively by accepting the mandate, examining it deeply and making necessary corrections. Defects will be identified and corrected. Efforts will also be strengthened to counter organized propaganda against the government and remove misconceptions among the people.

BJP’s victory in Thrissur constituency is being taken seriously. The fact that the BJP won the Lok Sabha constituency for the first time in our country, which is a model of democracy and secularism, needs to be critically evaluated. All secular and democratic believers should be ready for that. The Left Democratic Front will move forward by fulfilling that responsibility and working with dedication for secular values.

There will be comprehensive and micro-level measures from the side of the government to keep the people together and advance with firm positions for the good and progress of the country.

Thank you to the people who worked for and stood by the Left Democratic Front. He also said that he salutes the voters across the country who voted against the BJP on their firm stand that democracy should be protected.