Covid vaccine: Venezuela’s proposal to support Russia

Venezuela has proposed to Russia, China, and Cuba to make a vaccine for the coronavirus (COVID-19) and to cooperate in the testing of Russia’s vaccine. Venezuelan officials have given this information. Delci Rodrígue, vice president of the Presidential Commission on the Coronavirus, said, “We have talked about this and given our support to make the vaccine.” We are also discussing this issue with China, Russia from Cuba. “India develops vaccine for coronavirus, Experiments on humans since July

Venezuela’s health minister, Colors Alvarado, said the third phase of the clinical trial of the Covid-19 vaccine developed in China, the US, the UK, and Russia. He said, “We are in contact with most of them.

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Regarding Russia, we have discussed developing vaccines with the Ministry of Health of Russia. We have proposed our participation in the third phase of this project. Venezuela will provide 500 people for testing of the COVID-19 vaccine. “