Husband Robert Vadra Supports Priyanka, Urges Her to Be Active in Politics

Robert Vadra expressed his support to his wife Priyanka Gandhi who is contesting from Wayanad constituency and said that he actively encouraged Priyanka Gandhi to step into the political arena and play a more prominent role. Wayanad should be a start.

He also advised Priyanka to indulge in active politics and join her in Parliament when the time is right, he added. It is essential that she is now in active politics and parliament, not just campaigning. She will work hard for the country. Robert Vadra said

If she is taken to Parliament, she will be able to perform her duties better. Thanking the people for their role in the recent elections, he expressed his desire to see Priyanka in Parliament, saying, “She should be in Parliament. Vadra also said that she will win in Wayanad with a huge majority.