KSEB cutt off power supply to palakkad DEO office

KSEB cut off the electricity in the Palakkad DEO office just days before the opening of the school. 24016 rupees as arrears have to be paid by the education department. Officials at the DEO office are waiting to write a letter to KSEB requesting to restore the connection.

This is the second time that the KSEB has disconnected the electricity in Palakkad district education office, last year KSEB had pulled the fuse in April due to arrears of Rs.80182. Now, with only two days left for school to open, the office went dark again.

The teachers and staff are protesting the action but have no other option but to pay. The DEO office has contacted the Education Department to get the due amount. A letter has been given to KSEB stating that the dues will be paid immediately as soon as the amount is available, but the connection has not been restored yet.