Kuwait fire; 39 people including Malayalis died and many were injured

Kuwait City: Reportedly, Malayalis were among those who died in the fire at the labor camp of a private employment agency in Kuwait. Two Malayalis, one native of Tamil Nadu and one native of North India are reported to have died. The death toll may rise.

The incident happened around 4:30 in the morning. The fire broke out in a six-storey building where the employees of NBTC, a company owned by expatriate Malayali, lived. 195 people including Malayalis lived in the flat.

The initial conclusion is that the fire started from the room of the security guard here. While trying to escape by jumping from the flats, most of them were injured due to smoke inhalation. The fire brigade and the police are taking the injured to the hospital.

As the fire started, many people tried to escape through windows. People have been injured this way too. Official confirmation of the death toll is yet to come. Many Malayalees are working in the establishment under the non-resident Malayali businessman. The fire brigade has brought the fire under control.