Neither Mammootty nor Mohanlal can lift a finger against the sex mafia in the film industry,says Sanal Kumar Sasidharan

Director Sanalkumar Sasidharan says that mafia is working in the Malayalam film industry. This group cannot be touched by the law because it has deep-rooted nexus with the ruling party of Kerala. The revelations made by the husband of the director of the film Puzhu should be taken seriously. But unfortunately the discussion is revolving around the film Puzhu and the actor Mammootty, he notes on Facebook. The full form of Sanalkumar Sasidharan’s note is as follows.

I am someone who realized very early that there is a mafia active in the Malayalam film industry. It not only transcends legal systems but also extends internationally. The law cannot touch it because it has deep-rooted nexus with the ruling party of Kerala. That is the source of all the planned smear campaigns, attacks, false accusations and assassination plots aimed at keeping me out of the film industry.

It is because I shouted loudly about this mafia. Justice Hema Commission appointed by the Kerala government has given a report that there is a sex racket operating in Malayalam cinema. To ensure that the report does not come out, Saji Cherian, who has no qualifications to be the Minister of Culture and Cinema, has been placed in the Film Department. National Award winner Parvathy Pratsath said that she did not speak out about the sex racket because she was afraid of her life. Bhavana’s case is overturned because there is information about this mafia and the sex racket and the government and the court are supporting it.

Now the revelations made by the husband of the director of the film Puzhu should be taken seriously. He reveals very clear information about the nexus between CPM leaders and Malayalam cinema mafia. But unfortunately the discussion revolves around the movie Puzhu and the actor Mammootty. Neither Mammootty nor Mohanlal can lift a finger against this mafia. Because it has an unbreakable link with CPM.

Sharshad’s interview with Marunadan Malayali sheds a lot of light on this issue. But when I see that all the people who seem to be aware of the necessity are spinning a subject like this in the wheel of Mammootty-Puzhu, I am more convinced of one thing. No one can even touch the hair of this mafia who is destroying not only the women of Malayalam cinema but also the politics of Kerala and the future of Kerala itself. It knows exactly how to divert the discussion without ever getting to the right topic. There is nothing to do but grieve for a dying nation and the lives of its future generations.