Filmmakers should be investigated if they are involved in gold smuggling: Producers Association

Filmmakers should be investigated if they are involved in gold smuggling Producers Association
Filmmakers should be investigated if they are involved in gold smuggling Producers Association

The producers’ association is coming forward to stop the allegation that black money and metal currency are flowing in the film industry. If there are indications that any manufacturer is relying on unauthorized sources of funding, they should be investigated and prosecuted.

Kerala Film Producers Association
Kerala Film Producers Association

The executive meeting, which was convened online, took a stand against the effects of smuggling. Anto Joseph, secretary of the Producers’ Association, said such news would only serve to destabilize the film industry. According to some media reports, the money from the gold smuggling was used to make three Malayalam movies. It was also alleged that a prominent player and some other players were rewarded with gold. Amjad Ali, who was arrested in Palakkad in a gold smuggling case, was said to have links with filmmakers.

Faisal Fareed, who is yet to be arrested for smuggling, also appeared in a short film, which further strengthened the allegation. There are indications that some Malayalam actresses are being brought to the Gulf to attend the inauguration ceremonies in the Gulf. The producers’ association has demanded that any such allegations be investigated and the facts are ascertained.

Film Producers Association in Kerala
Film Producers Association in Kerala

The Producers’ Association has also decided to start making new films as opposed to the previous ones. However, the newly produced films will hit theaters only after the release of the films that are awaiting release. The producers also said that an agreement has been reached between the star organization Amma and the technical expert’s organization Fefka to reduce the production cost of the new films. Amma and Fefka have written to the Film Chamber about this. Based on that, the new films will be made according to the Kovid 19 protocol.