Indian football team captain Sunil Chhetri announced his retirement

New Delhi: Sunil Chhetri, who dominated Indian football for two decades, is retiring. 39-year-old Sunil Chhetri announced this in a video posted on social media. Sunil Chhetri starts speaking in the video with emotional words saying that he will never forget the day he played for the country for the first time.

Chhetri made his debut on June 12, 2005. He has scored 94 goals in 150 matches. The player is the third highest goal scorer among active players in international football. Apart from receiving the Arjuna Award in 2011 and the Padma Shri in 2019, Chhetri has also received the AIFF Player of the Year award six times.

He is the highest goalscorer for India. The player added that the first match and the first goal are unforgettable in the journey with the national team.
The player announced that he will retire with the World Cup qualifying match against Kuwait on June 6 in Kolkata