Aluva girl missing case : Police to slap serious charges on male friend

Kochi: Serious charges will be filed against the boy’s friend in the case of missing girl in Aluva. Serious charges are imposed because the girl is a minor. The youth who was taken into custody yesterday will be produced in court. Counseling will also be done for the girl

A complaint was lodged at the Aluva East police station after the girl went to the shop at 5 pm on Sunday to buy things and did not return by 6 pm. The child was found by the police during the subsequent investigation. Yesterday, the police found the twelve-year-old girl who went missing from Angamaly railway station within hours. Both are natives of Bengal.

The child came to Aluva with his mother two months ago. The boy had sought the help of his friend to go to Kolkata.
Meanwhile, the police found that the friend had informed the mother’s relative over the phone that the girl was with him even before the parents filed a complaint.

The police reached Angamaly following the tower location of the mobile number called by the friend. The girl came to Aluva from Bengal a month ago. It is reported that the plan of both of them was to go back to Kolkata as they did not want to stay here.