Elderly man killed in lightning strike in Kochi

Kochi: A elderly died after his boat overturned due to lightning. Chingoroth Sarasan (62) of Poothota Putankav died. The accident occurred while returning from cutting grass for the cattle. The initial conclusion is that Sarasan has been struck by lightning.

The incident happened around 5.30 pm yesterday. He was returning home in a boat after cutting grass on the side of Konathupuzha and had an accident in the river near his house. The boat overturned in the lightning that accompanied the rain. The body was found during a joint search by the fire brigade and locals.

At the time of the accident, there was a strong lightning strike in the area. Sarasan is a retired employee of Ernakulam General Hospital. Still working on temporary basis. Wife- Jayanthi. Son- Akshay.