Kerala Government bans trawling from June 10 to July 31

Thiruvananthapuram: Ban on trawling in Kerala from June 10 to July 31. The ban is for 52 days. The decision was taken in a meeting chaired by Minister Saji Cherian.

The minister assured in the meeting that the free ration distribution allowed to fishermen employed in trawling boats and related workers who earn their livelihood during the period of trawling ban will be intensified. 24-hour fisheries control rooms have started functioning in all coastal districts.

In order to implement the ban on trawling, a meeting of the concerned officers and various trade union leaders in the fisheries sector should be convened under the chairmanship of the district collectors and district level decisions should be taken. The minister also informed that the relevant coastal district collectors should issue instructions to the non-state boats to leave the Kerala coast before the ban on trawling begins.