The world can’t afford another war, UN strongly condemns Iran’s attack on Israel

Geneva: The UN Security Council is preparing to hold an emergency meeting in the wake of heightened tensions in the West following Iran’s air attack on Israel. The Raksha Samiti will meet at 1.30 am IST on Monday. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres responded by strongly condemning Iran’s attack on Israel saying that neither Israel nor the world can afford another war.

He warned that neither Israel nor the world could afford another war. He added that all parties should exercise restraint so that this does not turn into a clash of multiple military powers in the West. The Islamic Republic of Iran is carrying out a large-scale attack on Israel. This should be stopped as soon as possible. He said he was concerned about the devastating consequences the attack would have across the region. But Iran’s justification at the UN is that yesterday’s missile-drone attacks against Israel were part of its self-defense.