TP Chandrasekaran murder case, the High Court upheld the sentence of the accused and dismissed the appeal for acquittal

Kochi: RMP leader TP Chandrasekaran Important verdict of High Court on appeals in Chandrasekaran murder case. The court rejected the accused’s appeal for acquittal. The High Court upheld the judgment of the trial court. The High Court quashed the action of the trial court which acquitted two persons. The court directed all the accused to appear on the 26th of this month.

Accused M.C. Anoop, Kirmani Manoj, Kodi Suni, T. K. Rajish, Mohammad Shafi, Annan Sijith, K. Shinoj, K. C. Ramachandran, Trouser Manoj, CPM Pannoor area committee member P. K. In 2014, the trial court sentenced the accused Kunjananthan and Vaipadachi Rafeeq to life imprisonment and another accused Lambu Pradeepan to 3 years rigorous imprisonment. P.K. Kunjananthan died in June 2020 while serving his prison sentence. In the case where there were 36 accused, CPM leader P. 24 people including Mohanan were released.

The appeal filed by the 12 accused against the sentence and the prosecution’s appeal for the maximum sentence was also rejected by the CPM. Leader P. Chandrasekaran’s wife K.K. Rama MLA The Division Bench also considered the appeal.

Earlier, the trial court sentenced 12 people to rigorous imprisonment for life. The accused approached the High Court demanding that their sentence be quashed. However, the government wanted to give maximum punishment to the accused. Along with this, T.P. Chandrasekaran’s wife K.K. Rama also reached the High Court.24 acquitted persons including Mohanan were demanded to be punished.