Death of Kollam family in US,Anand was committing mass murder police preliminary report

4 members of a family from Kollam died in California due to murder. Anand Sujith Henry, a 42-year-old man of Indian origin from Kollam, killed his twin children and wife before shooting himself to death, police said.

The Malayali couple belonged to the wealthy class of America. They lived in a $2.1 million house. Sujith Henry (42), his wife Alice Priyanka (40), and their twin sons Noah and Neytan were killed. It is suspected that Sujith first killed his wife Alice Priyanka by putting her in the bathroom. When Alice was in the bathroom, he opened the door and opened fire. Several bullets have entered Alice’s body.

It is suspected that the twins may have been killed some time after Alice was killed. The juvenile boys’ cause of death is still pending pathology, but they did not have gunshot wounds or injuries. It is believed that the children were killed by suffocation or poisoning.

The family hails from Kerala and has been living in the US for the past nine years. Anand was a software engineer while Alice was a senior analyst. Anand previously worked at Facebook.

Anand filed for divorce in 2016 ,Anand had issues with Alice many years ago who killed his family. In 2016, she approached the court for divorce, but the divorce was not granted. After that they got back together. Twins were also born.

Anand’s elder brother committed suicide years ago. It is said that the reason was that the marks in the exam had gone down. Another brother died in an accident. 2 were brothers.

There were no signs of an attack at the house where the murder took place. Other Malayali families are also not known to have subjects in the family. When people who know the family could not contact them over the weekend, they went to the house and tried to check. The police were called when the door did not open. It is not clear how many days ago they were murdered inside the house. The reason behind the murder and suicide is still unknown. The police said that there are no indications that the family was troubled by domestic violence and mental health issues.Henry’s legally registered 9 mm handgun was found on the bathroom floor. Bullets from this gun caused the death of both husband and wife.