Speculations about Mossad’s involvement in Ibrahim Raisi’s helicopter crash death go viral on social media

Tehran: The suspicion that the hands of Israel’s secret agency Mossad were behind the killing of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi when his helicopter crashed is widely shared in the social media. It is widely reported that the helicopter was shot down by a Mossad agent named Eli Kopter. This news was released by the French Israeli TV channel.The helicopter in which Ibrahim Raisi was traveling had to make a hard landing, according to the Red Crescent, a medical aid and charity that arrived there. Many people suspect that it was the hands of Mossad, the Israeli secret agency.

The killing of Ibrahim Raisi is circulating in the social media as an indication that the Mossad spy organization has penetrated everywhere in Iran. The accident took place on the border of Azhar Baijan. Even though bad weather is said to be the cause of the helicopter crash, many people believe that there was proper planning behind it.

Iran’s President Ibrahim Raisi was a person who faced heavy opposition inside and outside the country. If there is a coup, is Israel behind it? There are those who believe so. Two countries that have been at enmity for years. Besides, America and Saudi are against Iran. Is the danger a conspiracy made by all of them? A month ago, Israel killed an Iranian general in Damascus. In protest against this, Iran launched a missile attack against Israel. The Mossad, the Israeli spy agency, is notorious for killing its enemies in general. Mossad also has a history of killing Iranian nuclear scientists. So it can be believed that the hands of Mossad may be behind this murder.

But the counterargument is that Israel will no longer attempt to launch a direct war by assassinating a head of state. The conditions for that do not exist now. Even though he is the president, Raizi, who is not popular in the country, has no definite influence on Iranian politics, so it is not particularly useful to kill him.

Helicopters are not a very safe form of travel. Especially when the weather is bad. The accident occurred on the 19th while returning after inaugurating a dam on the Azerbaijan border. Tabriz is 95 km. The first information was that the helicopter crashed in a mountainous area to the northeast. Some local media reported that the trip was by car, but later corrected it. Official confirmation came this morning that the president had died.

The first question that arises is why the helicopter ride was chosen when the weather was known to be bad. Visibility was only a few meters due to heavy fog and rain. Usually in such situations it is customary to avoid the helicopter and look for other means of travel or wait until the weather is suitable. Neither of these things happened here.