Police Fine Car Owner for Using Skulls as Dashboard Decoration and Aghori Nagasadhu Board Instead of Number Plate

Chennai: An Aghori mendicant was fined by the police for spreading skulls on the dash board of his car, causing panic among people. Police said the fine was for violating traffic rules and obstructing traffic. A car lined with skulls caused panic on the Thiruvannamalai-Theradi road. A sign Aghori Nagasadhu is hung in place of the number plate of the car.

As the news spread that evil sorcerers had arrived in the city, the people gathered. Police also reached the spot. After that, mendicant, the owner of the car, reached the spot. He informed that he was an Aghori Sannyasi from Rishikesh and had come for darshan at Arunachala temple in Thiruvannamalai.

The monk said that the cart was parked on the road because there was no space in front of the temple. Sannyasi was allowed to leave after being fined Rs 3,000 for breaking the law and causing traffic obstruction. Police informed that no case has been registered.