After being scratched and punched, Trump Wax figure is removed from the museum

Wax museum removes Trump's wax statue after visitors keep vandalizing it

A wax statue of former US President Donald Trump had been punched and scratched so much lately that it was removed from display for repairs this week from Louis Tussaud’s Palace of Wax museum in downtown in San Antonio, Texas.

Trump’s statue was transferred into storage at the Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks after it sustained multiple punches. Over the past few days, visitors kept on punching Donald Trump’s statue in the museum. The scratches on Trump’s statue’s face were especially damaged. Donald Trump’s statue will not return to the display floor until the new wax figure of President Joe Biden is added into the rotation, which is currently still under production in Orlando. Figures of George W. Bush and Barack Obama also have been attacked by members of the public in the San Antonio museum, including multiple incidents where the ears were ripped off Obama’s replica.