Will the IMF move its headquarters to Beijing? Shashi Tharoor points out the collapse of the American social system

Shashi Tharoor

Congress leader and MP Shashi Tharoor has questioned whether the relocation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) headquarters from Washington to Beijing is imminent. Tharoor tweeted about the collapse of the US economy and China’s growth.

Shashi Tharoor
Shashi Tharoor

‘The International Monetary Fund’s by-laws make it clear that its headquarters will be in the world’s largest economy. It has been in Washington, DC, USA for 75 years. Is the IMF’s relocation to Beijing imminent, as the US and Chinese economies have been moving since Covid 19? -Tharoor tweeted.

Shashi Tharoor Images
Shashi Tharoor Images

The IMF points out that China is the only growing economy this year. Growth is forecast at 1.9 percent. However, US growth will slow to 4.3 percent. China’s growth is projected to reach 8.4 percent in 2021. At the same time, US growth will be 3.1 percent. Shashi Tharoor points out that this is a challenge.