The Bangalore-based Parabrahma Ayurvedic Research Center administered Covid medicine to more than 500 patients and tested negative in 2 days.

The Bangalore-based Parabrahma Ayurvedic Research Center administered COVID medicine to more than 500 patients and tested negative in 2 days. The Ayurveda Research Center has achieved this feat in a situation where no drug has yet been found in the allopathic pack for COVID 19. More than 500 patients were given the drug and on the 2nd day, the test-negative test result was released by the research center. COVID 19 is used as an immunity food supplement and tincture. The Parabrahma Research Center has already used Ayurvedic medicine in about 13000 patients but the test report of the patients is still being released.

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Parabrahma Ayurvedic Research Centre 1

“We have created the wonder of the world and countries around the world should try it,” said officials at the Parabrahma Ayurveda Research Center. It is not only being tested at Parabrahma’s Ayurveda Hospital now. Doctors, including in medical colleges in many parts of India, have given Parabrahma medicine to patients and confirmed the test result to be negative within 2 days. Allopathic doctors also say that it is believable and has seen results. Another important thing is that the ayurvedic medicine of Parabrahma has been conducting poojas for 2 days in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka under the leadership of Swamis with the aim of curbing the epidemic that is destroying the people of the world as soon as possible. Swamis and Ashrams in many places perform great poojas to prove Hoka Kum with Ayurvedic medicine. The swamis also made big announcements that if China had been able to release COVID 19, India would have been able to stop it.

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Parabrahma Ayurvedic Research Centre 2

COVID 19 Ayurvedic medicine has been used in tens of thousands of patients by allopathic doctors in India. They have also been certified after using the drug. However, the Parambrahma research setter told Karma News that the testimonials would be submitted only to the Prime Minister, the Union Health Minister, or the Union Home Minister. If the names of the doctors are disclosed or the certificates are released, they will be hunted down. We cannot deliver this medicine to patients. The lives of many Kovid patients are being saved by giving this food supplement and tincture.

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Parabrahma Ayurvedic Research Centre 3

Tens of thousands recovered with the drug in just 2 days. Not a single person died after using the drug. The Union Health Ministry and the Prime Minister should take immediate action against this ayurvedic medicine which has no side effects. If the drug does not work, it should be diagnosed and tested clinically by the central government. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Union Health Minister should remain silent on this matter. The research center also asks why the Prime Minister of India is keeping silent despite the success of Indian Ayurveda in finding a cure for COVID. Only with the intervention of the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi will it be possible to produce and distribute this drug on a large scale nationwide and globally. All world leaders should learn about this drug. The Parabrahma Ayurveda Research Center is ready to use and explain COVID 19 in non-Ayurvedic medicine as well.parabrahma1

We invented medicine. Now you alone will be responsible if people die due to COVID in India and in the world. Reluctance to bring the drug to the masses is due to the fear of allopathic doctors and allopathic medical mafia. To avoid another death in the world, Indian Ayurvedic medicine should be tested in the world. This is an appeal to world leaders as well, the research center said.

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Parabrahma Ayurvedic Research Centre 4

COVID 19 The Parabrahma Ayurveda Research Center will provide all the answers even if anyone comes to ask a question about the medicine that cures only 19 patients. We have all the permission of the Government of India and the London-based Board to manufacture, research and market ayurvedic medicine worldwide. Parabrahma also clarified that the drug has been developed and researched with all the documents.