There is a planned and organized cyber attack against the Mayor ; Chinta Jerome

Chintha Jerome thinks that there is a planned and organized cyber attack against Thiruvananthapuram Mayor Arya Rajendran. KSRTC Unparalleled cyber stalking has been the cause of questioning of driver’s rudeness and sexual harassment.

A huge false campaign is being carried out. Chinta Jerome also wrote on Facebook that Arya Rajendran has been in the eyes of BJP and UDF ever since he took office as the youngest mayor of Thiruvananthapuram.

Note by Chinta Jerome; A planned and organized cyber attack is going on against DYFI State Committee Member and Thiruvananthapuram Mayor Arya Rajendran. KSRTC Unparalleled media-cyber-hunting for questioning the driver’s rude behavior and sexual harassment. A group of media and anti-leftists in cyberspace are trying to create solidarity with the defendant who committed sexual abuse in public and create a favorable public perception for the defendant. A big false campaign is being conducted for that.

Arya Rajendran has been in the eyes of BJP and UDF ever since she became the youngest mayor of the country in Thiruvananthapuram. The BJP-UDF group and some media are constantly spreading misogynist allegations without being able to accept Arya who became mayor at a very young age and are not able to oppose her politically. This cyber attack is a continuation of that. For that, it is a challenge to the Kerala society to whitewash the accused who sexually abused women in the community.

The cyber attack against Arya Rajendran is extremely heinous. The brutal hunting by the right-wing media gang and the criminal gang of the right-wing political parties against women on the left will not be allowed and
such gangs of thugs will be confronted legally and by mobilizing the people.