India contributes $300,000 to UN Women

India has contributed USD 300,000 to the United Nations agency for gender equality and women empowerment, a contribution lauded by the UN entity. India made the contribution to UN Women, the world organisation’s entity for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

“#India contributes USD 300,000 to @UN_Women for 2021,” India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador TS Tirumurti tweeted on Thursday. He said India reaffirms its support for gender equality and women empowerment, describing UN Women as a “valued partner in our progress from women’s development to #women-led development”. Assistant-Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of UN Women Anita Bhatia thanked India for the contribution and its support to UN Women and said in a tweet, “Women-led development envisions women as agents of change driving measurable impact in the lives of women & girls.”