Mysterious death of Thrissur native in Poland, head injury found in post-mortem

The family of Ashik Raghu (23), a native of Peringotukara, who died under mysterious circumstances in Poland two months ago, is searching for the truth behind his death. The dead body which was sent without post-mortem as normal death, suffered head injury when post-mortem was carried out in the country.

The family’s argument is that the problems during the Easter celebration are behind this. The family has not yet received a response despite submitting an application to the Indian Embassy demanding an investigation. Ashik Raghu, who died, was one of the two sons of Abhilash-Bindu couple, natives of Peringotukara. A year ago, Ashiq came to Poland in search of work through a young neighbor.

A few months before his death, he started working in food delivery. Ashik lived with two Malayalam friends. Friends initially said that he was found dead at his residence. According to this, the prosecutor in Poland ruled that the death was natural and allowed the body to be transported without conducting an autopsy.

But the family members were suspicious of their friends’ words. When the father brought the body home, he applied to the police for an autopsy. The family alleges that on the day of Ashik’s death, seven of his friends had attended a party and an argument broke out between them.

When the body was brought home on the 12th, the post-mortem was conducted and it was found that the cause of death was head injury. Injuries were also found at five places on the body. Ashik’s dead body was hidden in Lalur keeping in mind the possibility of re-postmortem.