The district president of Youth Congress expressed criticism regarding the incident of incorrectly performing the ‘national anthem’.

Malappuram: Malappuram Youth Congress Malappuram district president Harris Mudur criticized the leaders for singing the National Anthem wrongly at the closing stage of Congress’ Samaragni program.

Haris Mudur accused the leaders to realize that stage and microphone do not make the public a big event. He said that in the new political environment where social media reigns supreme, the lack of vigilance will have to pay a heavy price.

Leadership is made up of many ingredients. Those in leadership need to understand that it is a new era and adapt accordingly.

It is essential for the leadership to realize that the stage and the mic are not what the public is making a big deal in politics in the new era. In the new political environment where social media reigns supreme, a lack of vigilance comes at a high price.

As Srinivasan says, my head has been blown away by the wind, people want new politics that paves the way for knowledge, interaction and presentation. Politics is becoming a truth that cannot be pinned down by anyone who is confident, capable and capable. Those who don’t stay on stage and lie down in front of the mic and continue practicing.