18 years in Dubai jail, five Indian expatriates released

Dubai: Five Indian expatriates have returned home after 18 years in prison. Sivaratri Mallesh, Sivaratri Ravi, Gollem Nampally, Dundugula Laxman and Sivaratri Hanmanthu, all from Rajanna Sircilla in Telangana, were freed. They were released from Dubai and returned to Hyderabad last day.

They were received by their relatives at the airport. They had to stay in jail in connection with the death of a Nepalese security guard. The incident was in 2005.

There was an altercation between the expatriate group and the Nepalese security guard. The verbal altercation escalated into physical assault. Unfortunately the incident resulted in the death of Nepali. After investigating the case, the defendants were sentenced to 10 years in prison in a trial held in Dubai Court. The sentence was later extended to 25 years on appeal. It was reduced to 18 years through the intervention of the Indian Consulate and the Telangana Government.